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 Akaya Atobe [Done]

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Akaya Atobe

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Join date : 2010-03-18

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PostSubject: Akaya Atobe [Done]   Akaya Atobe [Done] I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 18, 2010 2:27 pm

Name: Akaya Atobe


Age: 23

Power's Name: Baggumure
Job/Occupation: Elite Superhuman
High School:
High-Spec: ??
Personality: Akaya is not like most people, but then again most people aren't the same. Akaya always seems to be angry, always yelling at something or someone. And whenever he is yelling at someone strong language is normally involved. He has a very short temper, that snaps just in an instant. He always lets his anger out through words, never physically. Unless it is something very serious. Akaya only stops his rage when he feels it's the right time. Which is normally when he is alone, after the person that made him mad is gone. I'm sorry rarely leave his mouth. It takes him days sometimes years to man up and apologize. Akaya is rarely nice, but it does happen sometimes. When it does happen is always seems to be around a pretty girl. Of course most guys would do that, but when Akaya does try to be nice it last only a short amount of time. Normally he'll find something to get mad at, but it is never the girl he is talking to. Akaya can never bring himself to get angry at a woman. He doesn't believe in getting angry at a woman, no matter what they do or say. Akaya is also very defensive of women, most of the time this leads to him getting the crap beat out of him. But he is only like that to women. When it comes to men Akaya can get angry just by looking at them.

Due to his little anger problem Akaya tries to stay away from most guys. But prefers to be around women. This is not an unusual thing for guys though. However Akaya can be nice to men at times, most of the time when that does happen a friendship is born. When it comes to fighting Akaya tries to end it as quickly as possible. Bloodshed is not something Akaya likes to see. But sometimes it comes to that. When it does Akaya normally curses himself for resulting to bloodshed. When Akaya has to fight he becomes a monster, the urge to end the fight as quickly as possible takes over his common sense. Due to this Akaya normally comes out of a fight bloodied up, and about to die. Akaya spends most of his time either sleeping or doing nothing. He isn't like most people that train the crap out of themselves. He finds his strength good enough already. When he does to nothing he normally just watches the clouds breeze by, to most people that would be boring. But Akaya isn't like most people. He's a short tempered asshole flirt, but that's just they way Akaya likes it.

Birthday: June 3rd
Birthplace: Karakura Town
Natural Race: African American
Family/Relatives: Kishouhi Atobe (Father Deceased) Asahato Kujaku (Mother Hospitalized)
Likes: Silence. A pretty Girl. Bugs.
Dislikes: Bloodshed. Cowards
Hobbies: None
Favorite Food: Champon If you don't know what that is
Favorite Music: None
Forte in Sports: None
Special Skill: None

Height: 6'1
Weight: 220lbs
Blood Type: AB
Story: Akaya was born like any other baby. Born into a normal family, but shortly after the birth his mother had a fever. It was a very high fever, the doctors thought she wouldn't make it. But she did. It was bound to be the will to have Akaya has a child. A couple days after Akaya was born he was brought to his new home. His mother was still running a high fever, that just seemed to never go away. His mother was brought into the hospital one day do to her collapsing. Akaya's grandmother looked after him during that time. But his mother's fever wasn't getting better in the hospital either. They did everything they could, but his mother was going to die. But she didn't. After a couple weeks in the hospital she came out. Alive and healthy. And it seemed that it was the end of her illness too. When Akaya was 5 his mother became very sick again. It seemed to be the same sickness when Akaya was born. To keep Akaya's mind of his mother his father taught him Kung Fu. His father ran a dogo right next to where they lived. Akaya seemed to be gifted in the art, according to his father. However Akaya was never in the class his father taught. He was always taught privately. So Akaya never got to test out his skills. A couple years later his father finally put Akaya in one of his classes. The only thing Akaya didn't like was that he was a white-belt. He deserved much higher, and his father knew that. But he didn't want to show favoritism. Akaya was always a good student in his school. Never caused any problems. But he was bullied, day after day he would take the crap. And he never did anything about it, his father had taught him only to use his skills if it was the last option. He never did though. There was no need. He was never physically harmed, just verbally. Akaya lived his life, and the bullies lived theirs. Akaya never had to resort to using his skills. His father was always wanting to talk about the problems Akaya had at school, but Akaya never wanted to talk about them. When Akaya was 15 something very strange happened. He was walking into the woods one day, for some reason he doesn't remember. When suddenly ton and tons of bugs starts to swarm around him. He didn't know what was going on and he was scared. The bugs seemed to shrink and enter through the pores in his skin. And then everything went black. When he awoke he was in the same place had had passed out in, expect it was night. He knew his mother must have been worried sick, so he went back home. Thinking everything that had happened was just a dream. A couple weeks after the strange event happened his father's dojo caught on fire. It burned to the ground and there went his father's business. It was a very strange happening, everything was just strange those weeks.

When Akaya was 16 tragedy struck the Atobe family. His father was murdered. Right in his home. It was late at night when the murder happened, and no one knew why his father was up at that time. His body was completely slaughtered, he was missing an arm and his body was covered in blood. This wasn't something a normal person would do. His mother went into depression shortly after the murder, she seemed to give up on living. Even though Akaya would always say remember the good times. The only problem was, that there was so many good times. So many happy times. Akaya had been seeing strange things after his father was murdered. He would see people just floating in the air. It scared him at first, but after time it seemed to become part of his life. His mother was put into the hospital due to her depression. His mothers heart was broken. That was something no doctor could cure. And there was nothing that could be done about that. Once his father had died Akaya became very confused about the murder. Akaya at first thought that he wasn't human, the bugs taking over, his father dieing, and seeing the people that no one could see. He needed answers, but he couldn't run around town asking people. They would think he was crazy. Maybe he was crazy, until he realized one night he wasn't. The night was like any other night Akaya was asleep. Alone in his house. When he heard a loud sound outside. He jumped out of bed, thinking it was a robber. Boy was he wrong. Outside was a monster something he had never seen before. It was something that people told in scary stories. But Akaya didn't know what it was. It had a mask over its face, and a hole in its chest. Suddenly all the bugs inside him came out and attacked the monster. They took down the beast. Tiny little bugs taking down a monster. After they had killed the beast they returned back to his body. Akaya was too scared to do anything. After all he didn't know what to do. The next couple days Akaya tried to draw out the bugs, but they would never come out. No matter how hard he tried or how loud he yelled they wouldn't come out. Until one day Akaya just out of the blue clicked his tongue, the bugs erupted out of his body, hundreds of millions of bugs. For some reason Akaya couldn't stop himself from laughing. When he snapped his fingers the bugs returned. Year after year Akaya trained himself with the bugs. He still didn't know why the bugs picked him. It changed his life not doubt. But somehow he liked it. His mother still wasn't getting better in the hospital. She just seemed to be waiting for death. Waiting for the angel of death to take her life. Akaya visited his mother everyday. Hoping that one day she would be waiting at the hospitals main door, and give Akaya a big warm hug. But that day would probably never come. Akaya would watch everyday as his mother would just seem to give up. Some days she wouldn't even eat, she wanted death. And there was nothing anyone could do about that. At the age of 20 Akaya had finally mastered his bugs, being able to draw them out just by clicking his tongue. And able to bring them back in with a snap of his fingers. He figured out that a hollow had killed his father, and his bugs had given Akaya his revenge. But they couldn't give him his mother back. Oh how he missed his mother more than anyone. More than his father. His mother always had a smile on her face, and would always make Akaya smile. He missed both of his parents. Life was a cruel cruel game.

Fighting Style: Kung Fu
Rp Sample:

It seemed that now a days hollows had nothing better to do than take human souls in Karakura town. But it seemed that, that was the only place they even took souls from. Oh if only all those blasted hollows would just die. Then the Shinigami could actually have a peaceful life. But hell it would be boring. Gen was walking down the street of Karakura town, a couple human souls had gone missing. Obviously a hollow was involved. Gen had been searching for hours and his patience was running thin. Gen stopped at a wooden bench facing a park, plopping down into he let out a sigh. Sometimes he just hated his job, probably could have done something better, like not becoming a Shinigami. He looked across the street to see two children playing some game with a ball. Gen couldn't put his finger on the name of the game, but it seemed they were just throwing the ball at each other. Fun game, just not so fun when you get hit in the face. Gen looked over to the kid's left, there was a mother sitting on a bench watching the kids play. Next to her was a cradle. In his mind Gen thought 3 kids was 1 too many. Gen sighed about to get up but stopped when he felt a presence. It belonged to a hollow. Oh god know. Gen jumped from his seat, a hand on the hilt of his blade. The presence was getting closer and closer, and then it appeared. A hollow sprang out of the trees next to the kids, Gen flash stepped over towards them. His blade pulled out. The hollow had one arm out in front of itself as it sprang out of the trees. Gen held his blade in his left hand, back in his days of living he would hold a bamboo blade in his left hand for thrusting. Guess that had stuck with him. The hollow finally got within thrusting distance. And that's just what Gen did he thrust the blade forward, and met flash then bone. Slicing through both, Gen successfully removed the hollows outstretched arm. The hollow let out an earsplitting scream, and cupped the wound with his good arm. The kids were still playing there game, Gen only being a few feet in front of them. "You know I hate hollows like you that attack children. It is what a coward would do. But then again what would I expect from a hollow that charges into a battle with one arm out in front of him." Gen sighed, and pointed his blade over at the mother that was still smiling and watching the kids play. "You would break that woman's heart if you killed those children. Useless shits that do that deserve to rot in hell, and that is where I'm sending you for trying that shit on me." This had just made Gen's day, and it didn't look that well for his opponent.

The hollow removed his cupped hand from the wound, anger in it's eyes. It's good arm was flexed up, his fist clenched like he was ready to kill Gen. Gen could only smile, anger always made him smile when he saw it in someone else. "I was just going to play a game with the kids. Is that so bad?" Gen sighed, putting a hand through his hair, which really didn't work due to it being spiked up. "Yes it is terrible. Oh and was the game you were going to play, kill you and break a woman's heart?" The hollow had finally had enough of Gen's mouth, so it lunged again at Gen. Gen switched his blade to his right hand. His blocking arm, the hollow sent a fist towards Gen's stomach. Easy. Gen simply put his blade at his stomach, ready to block. But the hollows hand never made contact with his blade. Seemed like the hollow wasn't as stupid as Gen had though. Gen had had his eyes focused on the hollows arm, but now moved his eyes to the hollows face. He moved his arm to his side, stupid thing to do. Then the fist hit Gen in the gut. Hard too. Gen hit the ground, and skid across it and then hit a tree. The air had been knocked right out of him, but the hollow wasn't done. It charged over to him, and soon he was on top of Gen. Its good arm clasped around his throat. "I hope you lived a good life, because I'm taking it." Gen smiled, he didn't know why but it just spread across his lips. Gen looked at the blade in his right arm. He lifted it and cut through the hollows arm. Right at the joint. The hollow let out another scream. Stepping away from Gen. Gen got back onto his feet, gripping his blade. He switched hands again. This time holding it in his left hand. "What are you going to do now, kick me to death? If you do I'll just cut your god damn legs off." The hollow kept taking steps away from Gen, and Gen kept taking steps closer to the hollow. Gen finally thought of flash stepping, and that's what he did. Appearing in front of the hollow. Gin stabbed his blade into the hollows skull. "Bye Bye shit." And with that the hollow disappeared. Gone forever. Gen held his blade in his hand. Looking at it. Blood had coated the metal, so Gen stabbed it into the ground. Cleaning the blade. Shit's blood was on it. Gen hated Shit blood. He returned the blade to its home at his waist. The sun was starting to set and it seemed that the mother wanted her kids back home. So they quiet their playing and ran over to their mother. And with that they were off. For some reason tears streamed down his face. He wiped the tears away. But more came. Gen missed his mother more than anyone. It was the only family he had had. Gen took a seat on the ground. His hands covering his face. He wanted to get control of himself before returning to Soul Society. After several minutes of nothing happening, Gen stood back up. Opening a Senkaimon Gate and leaving Karakura town. He probably could've taken out more hollows, but at least the day wasn't a total waste.
[From another Site]

Last edited by Akaya Atobe on Fri Mar 19, 2010 12:31 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Kohana Hirikano
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Akaya Atobe [Done] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akaya Atobe [Done]   Akaya Atobe [Done] I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 18, 2010 7:01 pm

We don't have Yokai. You'll just be an elite superhuman. I also need a 1000 word RP sample if requesting said elite spot.
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Akaya Atobe

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Akaya Atobe [Done] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akaya Atobe [Done]   Akaya Atobe [Done] I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 19, 2010 12:32 pm

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Kohana Hirikano
1st Division Captain Commander
1st Division Captain Commander
Kohana Hirikano

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PostSubject: Re: Akaya Atobe [Done]   Akaya Atobe [Done] I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 19, 2010 2:04 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Akaya Atobe [Done]   Akaya Atobe [Done] I_icon_minitime

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